Thursday, June 29, 2023
HomeBusinessCompaniesZomato gets government panel notice over 'Kachra' ad: report

Zomato gets government panel notice over ‘Kachra’ ad: report

In a recent development, Zomato, the renowned food delivery platform, has received a notice from the National Commission for Scheduled Castes following a controversial advertisement that drew criticism for its alleged casteist undertones. The notice was issued after the advertisement depicted the actor who portrayed the Dalit character Kachra in the popular film “Lagaan” as items made of recycled waste. NDTV reported on the incident, shedding light on the repercussions faced by the company.

According to the report, Zomato swiftly deleted the advertisement and released an apology in response to the backlash it received. The company’s founder and CEO, Deepinder Goyal, was addressed in the notice from the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, stating that if a reply is not received within the given time frame, summons may be issued for Goyal’s personal appearance.

The controversial advertisement was aired on World Environment Day and attempted to draw a connection between the character Kachra and the Hindi word for garbage, “kachra.” Zomato conveyed to viewers that “when recycled, kachra can become many things,” using the example of Kachra, a Dalit character from the movie “Lagaan.” The film depicts the journey of a diverse cricket team formed by Indian villagers who challenge the dominance of an arrogant British official. Aditya Lakhi played the role of Kachra, a member of the marginalized community.

Responding to calls for a boycott of Zomato on social media, the company apologized for unintentionally hurting the sentiments of certain communities and individuals. Zomato clarified that its intention was to spread awareness about the potential of plastic waste and the benefits of recycling through humor. The company also highlighted its significant plastic recycling efforts, stating that it has recycled 20 million kilograms of plastic waste to date.

Notable figures from the film industry, including Neeraj Ghaywan, the director of “Masaan,” filmmaker Madhurita Anand, and Dalit historian Karunyakara Lella, were among those who condemned Zomato for the advertisement’s content and its implications.

The incident involving Zomato’s advertisement reflects the increasing awareness and sensitivity surrounding issues related to casteism and discrimination in India. Such controversies serve as a reminder to companies to be vigilant and considerate when formulating their marketing campaigns to avoid causing offense or perpetuating stereotypes.

As the matter unfolds, it remains to be seen how Zomato will address the notice from the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and take steps to rectify the situation. The company’s response and actions will play a crucial role in determining its future reputation and standing within the community it serves.

Aryan Jakhar
Aryan Jakhar
Aryan Jakhar is an Indian Journalist with over two years of active working experience. Aryan is currently working as editor-in-chief at and he is reachable on
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